Established in the Nanterre industrial estate, was created in
1934 by Henry GARREAU and remains to this day 100% owned by the
members of the creator’s family.
At the time, the company supplied melting furnaces for steel and cast iron. The company has since supplemented its activity with the production of so-called unshaped refractories to protect smelting furnaces.
With 85 years’ experience in the heat production field directs its
activities according to the heat production sector.
evolves and specialises according to the needs of the heatproduction sector and of its customers
We a currently developing our activities around 4 niches:
- Specific refractories
- Special furnaces
- Heating elements
- Service offerings
A family-run company, an industrial organisation
Our company evolves and specialises according to the needs of the heat production sector and of its customers
Created in 1934 by Henri Garreau, Fours et Réfractaires S.A.S. designs and
manufactures refractory products for cast iron, iron and aluminium smelting.
With its 85 years’ experience, SAS offers you its expertise throughout all the steps
involved in implementing your projects.
By auditing and diagnosing your needs, we can offer the tailored design, manufacture,
installation and maintenance of refractory products, furnaces and resistances.
helps you complete your new projects and optimise the productivity and maintenance of your existing equipment.
Our team of specialists has already successfully met the needs of demanding customers in cutting edge fields of activity such as the automotive, aerospace, mining and cosmetic industries.
offers continuity, reliability and follow-up.
Our company specialises in Industrial Furnaces and Refractories
Company created in 1934
A team of 27 people
3 Design Office Engineers
Established in Nanterre on 5000 m² floorspace
More than 400 customers
Turnover of €8.5 M
Discover the history of our development

Company creation by Henri Garreau.
The company designs and manufactures refractory products for cast iron and aluminium foundry.
Cornering of the refractory products market by introducing new products and fitting techniques using gunning machines designed in-house.
Broadening of the product range to dry products for electric furnaces.
Oil crisis, the foundry world is damaged by the disappearance of 50% of all French foundries. The company undertakes a profound alteration of its production tool.
The company opens onto new refractories businesses, with the expansion of its activity to heat treatment.
Design and creation by the company of the first heat treatment furnace.
Development of a thermal engineering department.
ISO 9002 certification issued by AFAQ for the manufacture and distribution of refractory products
Initiation of an active partnership with SEVA (SAINT GOBAIN) for the development of special glass baking furnaces.
Development of a siliceous product application prototype.
Manufacture of 6 aluminium melting furnaces, one of which with a 45-tonne capacity.
ISO 9001 V 2000 certification.
OTTO JUNKER representation for induction aluminium melting and heat treatment furnaces.
Agreement with I2R for the distribution of silicon carbide and MoSi2 resistances.